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2019년 3월 15일

The B Team (USA)

B Team leaders, incl. CEOs of Kering, Unilever & Virgin, support youth climate strike

"B Team leaders support #FridaysForFuture", 15 Mar 2019

As students around the world participate in today's Global Student Strike for Climate Action, our B Team Leaders are sharing their support and thanking students for reminding the world what its leaders are accountable for—their future. Sharan Burrow [General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation said] : "Their courage deserves our support. On #15March#unions will stand with the students..",  Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus declare[d] his support for the global day of climate action and [said]:  "Together, I stand with the students striking for the protection of our climate."...; François-Henri Pinault, Chairman and CEO of Kering, share[d] his support to the March 15th Global Student Strike for Climate Action...  Christiana Figueres [the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) said]: "A whole new generation has understood the Paris Agreement’s significance and the urgent need to act on climate to protect our future". Richard Branson [CEO of Virgin sent] best wishes to all supporting #schoolstrike4climate & #FridaysForFuture...  Paul Polman [CEO of Unilever] said: "Today students all over the world are taking part in #YouthStrike4Climate demanding climate action for their futures. You all have my full support. Thank you for the bravery & passion you show."...