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2023년 6월 28일


Bangladesh: ITUC issues statement condemning killing of union leader Shahidul Islam

"Bangladesh: ITUC condemns murder of Shahidul Islam", 28 June 2023

The ITUC condemns the brutal murder of Shahidul Islam, a union organiser who dedicated his life to winning justice for garment factory workers in Bangladesh.

ITUC Acting General Secretary Luc Triangle said: “This is a horrific event. We send the solidarity of the international trade union movement to the family and friends of Shahidul Islam and his colleagues at the BGIWF. Their fight is our fight and we condemn outright this violence.

“But this is not the first murder of a union organiser in Bangladesh and we call of the government there to fulfil its duties under international law to protect the right to organise.

“Also, we call on the global brands sourcing products from factories in Bangladesh to carry out human rights’ due diligence in their supply chains. The brands must use their leverage to ensure respect for human rights and international labour standards in law and practice. There is no excuse for doing business with anyone who doesn’t respect basic rights, such as the right to freedom of association. They must hold to account their suppliers for their respect of workers’ rights.”
