Bayer response re failing to respect human rights standards by advertising on Sean Hannity Show
Bayer clearly does not condone nor support the statements made by Mr. Hannity, and we have strongly expressed our concerns to Premiere Networks and Fox News. Opinions or views expressed by the network's news programs hosts or correspondents are solely theirs, and do not necessarily reflect those of Bayer... Bayer does work to exercise good judgment in selecting programming on which to advertise. We regularly evaluate our advertising placement, and make sound judgments to continue or discontinue based upon our beliefs, values and ethical considerations.
... We would like to point out that we have expressed this view by email to Mr. Avery already on January 4, 2018 and in a phone call following that email... [P]lease be assured, that Bayer fully supports human rights and has set out its stance in a binding corporate policy, Bayer’s Position on Human Rights. We are committed to respecting and fostering human rights within our sphere of influence and to reporting transparently on the results of our activities in this area.