Bosnia and Herzegovina: Municipality & environmentalists oppose opening of lithium mine, complain about lack of transparency & consultations with local communities
보고된 날짜: 2024년 1월 8일
위치: 보스니아 헤르체고비나
기업 페이지
Arcore AG - Parent Company프로젝트
Lopare project - Operation영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 숫자를 알 수 없음
Community: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 보스니아 헤르체고비나 , 채굴 , Gender not reported )토픽들
정보 접근성 , 부패결과
응답 요청 여부: 예, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre에 의해 요청됨
출처: News outlet
[Translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
Lopare file: Municipality and ecologists against Majevica mines opening - Geological research investors withdraw in "illegal", 8 January 2024
...The three-year geological surveys in the area of Majevica have been completed and, according to the current Law on Geological Surveys of the Republic of Srpska, they were carried out without the consent of the municipality of Lopare...
But, according to the Entity Law on Concessions, the investor will have to secure the opinion of the local community for the eventual opening of the mine, and before the start of exploitation, he is obliged to prepare an Environmental Impact Study...
"The assembly of the municipality of Lopare is against the opening of mines and the exploitation of lithium in the area of the municipality of Lopare, as well as all further actions related to its implementation. The Municipal Assembly of Lopare demands from the Government of RS to suspend all further activities, as well as not to allow the implementation of the lithium exploitation project at Majevica"...
According to the available data, the Ministry...received a request from the geological research investor for the revision of the study, after which a Commission was formed with the task of examining the revision of the study and thereby verifying whether it was done in accordance with modern scientific achievements, valid regulations and standards. The Ministry claims that after the audit was completed, the Commission submitted a report on the classification, categorization and calculation of ore reserves and an audit clause confirming that the prescribed standards have been complied with, as well as the appropriate safety measures for health protection at work, safety of people and facilities, and environmental protection environment.
"There is no doubt that all these activities took place in a non-transparent manner, i.e. without the necessary information to the public, including the fact that, according to the information available to us, the Ministry of Energy and Mining by decision dated 03.15.2023 confirmed to the investor, on their part, during the research of the determined reserves of lithium, boron, magnesium, potassium, sodium and the accompanying association of elements. We consider it inadmissible, shameful and even corrupt, because information about this extremely important topic of interest to the wider public was hidden not only from the citizens of Lopar for five years" - this is the reaction of environmentalists, who say that they will soon disclose information about the launch of a campaign to inform the public about geological research on Majevica and the eventual exploitation of ores in its area...