Aluminij did not respond to: Amnesty Intl. writes follow-up letter to Aluminij, regarding Aluminij’s response to Amnesty’s report on ethnic discrimination in employment.
이용 가능한 언어: English -
[DOC] Amnesty International letter to Aluminij: Regarding statements by Aluminij on Amnesty’s report "Bosnia and Herzegovina – Behind closed gates: ethnic discrimination in employment"
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Mittal Steel response to Amnesty Intl. report "Bosnia and Herzegovina – Behind closed gates: ethnic discrimination in employment"
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Aluminij response to Amnesty Intl. report "Bosnia and Herzegovina – Behind closed gates: ethnic discrimination in employment" [see also 9 Feb "further response" by Aluminij
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Behind closed gates: ethnic discrimination in employment
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Non à la discrimination ethnique au travail [Bosnie-Herzégovine]
이용 가능한 언어: français -
No a la discriminación étnica en el acceso al empleo [Bosnia y Herzegovina]
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Discrimination in employment
이용 가능한 언어: English