Cameron Dismissed From All Claims in BP Gulf Spill Case [USA]
Cameron International Corp. (CAM) won dismissal from all claims arising from BP Plc’s 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill after a judge said there was no evidence showing the company was at fault for the disaster. Cameron, which made the so-called blowout preventer designed to stop explosions in BP’s oil well, was named in multiple lawsuits claiming the equipment was defective. Witnesses testifying at a New Orleans trial over fault for the disaster have said the blowout preventer wasn’t properly maintained by the Transocean (RIG) Ltd. crew manning the drill rig. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier in New Orleans had earlier ruled out punitive damages against Houston-based Cameron, finding no proof of gross negligence. He dismissed all remaining claims yesterday…[Also refers to Halliburton, M-I Swaco (part of Schulmberger), Transocean]