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이 페이지는 한국어로 제공되지 않으며 English로 표시됩니다.

기업 응답

2019년 11월 7일


C&A's response

... A workers’ strike at Myanmar Knitting Factory was initiated on 2 September 2019. C&A was informed... and our local team was in close contact with the factory and the workers to potentially support a smooth settlement of the case...

[After negotiation meetings]... the Factory Management informed us that an... agreement on all the 45 demands was signed between the Workers Representation and the Factory Management, with a witness of a civil society representative and an industrial relations mediator... With that, the dispute was settled between both parties...

... [T]he charges against the seven labour leaders who have participated in the strike have been drawn by the Pathein Myanmar Police. C&A is closely monitoring the situation. As a standard business practice, C&A cannot publicly comment on a situation that concerns ongoing cases between a state authority in a producing country and its citizens. What we can confirm is that the seven affected workers have continued their work as usual in the factory.

We dearly hope that the case affecting the seven workers will be resolved as soon as possible...
