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2006년 9월 28일

Natasha Korecki, Chicago Sun-Times

Court hears appeal of reparations suit [USA]

The national slavery reparations movement attempted to keep its cause alive in a federal appeals court Wednesday, arguing that major corporations financed the 19th-century slave trade and should have to pay millions of dollars today to slave descendants... Corporations including JPMorgan Chase, Aetna, Bank of America, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. [now Reynolds American], CSX Corp., New York Life Insurance Co. and about a dozen others were named as defendants... But lawyers representing the companies said the current claims fail to prove a connection to the defendants.

다음 타임라인의 일부

USA: Descendants of slaves try to revive reparations lawsuit against 17 firms including Aetna, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Lehman Brothers

Slavery reparations lawsuit (re USA)