[DOC] 'Living wage' campaign backed by investors worth £13bn [UK]
Investors…are issuing a call to FTSE 100 companies to adopt Living Wage standards across their UK operations. The broad investor coalition…co-ordinated by FairPensions is writing jointly signed letters to the CEO’s of each FTSE 100 company asking for Living Wage standards to be applied. With over 3.5 million workers in The United Kingdom earning under £7 an hour and 53% of poor children living in households with at least one working adult, the attention of shareholder activists is turning to the plight of those at the bottom of the salary scale…As well as investors, thousands of individuals are set to mobilise their money for Living Wages...people will call on companies who manage their money…to become Living Wage employers. [refers to Arriva, Barclays, Capita, GlaxoSmithKline, Goldman Sachs, Royal Bank of Scotland]