[DOC] Press Release Regarding Forthcoming Judgment in Mankayi v. AngloGold Ashanti [So. Africa]
Judgment in the matter of Thembikile Mankayi v Anglo Gold Ashanti (AGA) will be handed down in the High Court Johannesburg on 26 June 2008 at 09h00. Justice MM Joffe will rule on an exception raised by AGA against a civil claim for damages instituted by Mankayi against his erstwhile employer. Mankayi claims that during the time that he was employed on AGA's gold Mines he was negligently exposed to harmful dust which caused him to contract a debilitating, incurable and progressive lung disease called silicosis.... The decision has important implications both for employers in the gold mining industry and for the tens of thousands of ex-mineworkers suffering from silicosis and other lung diseases.