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2013년 3월 27일

Julie Dermansky, Progressive [USA]

Down the Hole: How a Failed Salt Mine Cleared Out a Town [USA]

[L]ast year...Louisiana called for a mandatory evacuation of the [Bayou Corne] area. A salt cavern, owned by Texas Brine, had experienced a “frack out”...Brine, water and crude oil were forced out of the cavern fracturing rock and creating a sinkhole...Texas Brine is providing state-mandated compensation to the community but refuses to take responsibility for the sinkhole...Texas Brine PR representative suggests that seismic activity may have been the culprit...Texas Brine is building a giant berm around the sinkhole - further insurance that there will be no pollution, he asserts...Some are afraid the sinkhole will introduce carcinogens into...[the] community...Texas Brine representatives claimed the sinkhole is more stable than ever.