DR Congo: Report reveals strategies used by Ruashi Mining to avoid responsibility for human rights violations; incl. company response
보고된 날짜: 2021년 11월 23일
위치: 콩고민주공화국
기업 페이지
Ruashi Mining SAS (JV between Metorex and Gecamines) - Parent Company프로젝트
Ruashi Mine - Unknown영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 숫자를 알 수 없음
Community: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 위치를 알 수 없음 - 알 수 없는 업종 , Gender not reported )토픽들
시위 , 환경 안전 기준 위반 , 강제이주 , 산업 안전 및 보건 , 민간 보안 , 폭력 , 임의의 체포, 구금 또는 망명으로부터의 보호 , 위협 , 정보 접근성 , 이동 , 재산 및 재산의 소유권 , 깨끗하고, 건강하고, 지속가능한 환경 , 생계에 미치는 영향출처: News outlet
"Strategies used by Ruashi Mining to avoid responsibility for human rights violations", 23 November 2021
Ruashi Mining, a subsidiary of the Chinese multinational Jinchuan Group, started mining copper and cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2004, when the country opened its mining sector to private investors. The company took over a former mining site of the state-owned Gécamines, located in Ruashi, a locality in the city of Lubumbashi. [...] However, the nearby communities in Luano, Kawama and Kalukuluku never saw their expectations met. Instead, they were deprived of their most basic rights, including the right to property, a decent home, food, water, a healthy environment, and even life. Since the establishment of Ruashi Mining, they have been victims of expropriations and relocations, dispossessed of their fields, houses and plots of land without (fair) compensation. Crops in their fields are regularly destroyed by effluent overflowing from the tailings ponds, and houses have been severely damaged by tremors caused by explosions in the mine. At least one local resident has died as a result of mismanagement of explosives by Ruashi Mining. [...]