Dropping Phnom Penh Sugar without compensating its victims will not relieve ANZ’s responsibility [Cambodia]
Equitable Cambodia and Inclusive Development International call upon ANZ to right the wrongs it has done by financing the Phnom Penh Sugar plantation and not just jump ship…Eang Vuthy, Executive Director of Equitable Cambodia, said: “We are very concerned that ANZ will just pull out of the project and leave the people in the cold. We urge ANZ to uphold the commitments it made under the Equator Principles and stay engaged until proper remedies are provided to the victims” David Pred, Managing Associate of Inclusive Development International, responded: “Exiting the relationship would be an all-too-easy route for ANZ to take to try to make this story go away, but the fact is this story is not going away for the hundreds of families who have been impoverished by the project ANZ made possible.”…[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited ANZ to respond. Response provided.]