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2013년 9월 9일

Adri Nieuwhof, for Electronic Intifada

Dutch firm withdraws from sewage plant for settlers in East Jerusalem (Israel & Palestine)

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Royal HaskoningDHV has announced that it has decided to withdraw from a sewage treatment project in eastern occupied Jerusalem. The firm reviewed its involvement in designing the plant after the Dutch government discouraged it from aiding Israeli settlements and Palestinian organizations fiercely criticized the project. The project is still in its planning stages...Royal HaskoningDHV released the following statement: Royal HaskoningDHV carries out its work with the highest regard for integrity and in compliance with international laws and regulations. In the course of the project, and after due consultation with various stakeholders, the company came to understand that future involvement in the project could be in violation of international law. This has led to the decision of Royal HaskoningDHV to terminate its involvement.
