Ecuador: Court revokes environmental licence of the Llurimagua mining project after confirming violations of the right to consultation and environmental rights
보고된 날짜: 2023년 3월 30일
위치: 에콰도르
기업 페이지
Llurimagua (JV between ENAMI (51%) and Codelco (49%)) - Parent Company프로젝트
영향받은 사람의 수: 숫자를 알 수 없음
Community: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 에콰도르 - 알 수 없는 업종 , Gender not reported )토픽들
깨끗하고, 건강하고, 지속가능한 환경 , 자유의사에 따른 사전인지 동의 , 영향 평가결과
Response sought: 아니오
출처: Regulatory action
“Ecuadoran court suspends US$3bn Llurimagua project” – 30 Mar 2023
...A court has revoked the environmental license for the US$3bn Llurimagua copper-molybdenum project in Ecuador and ordered the suspension of all mining activity.
Llurimagua is a JV between Ecuador's state miner Enami EP and Chilean state copper miner Codelco.
the environment ministry granted the license in 2014 "based on an environmental impact study, in violation of the rights [of surrounding communities] to be consulted on environmental issues and rights to the protection of the nature"...