El Salvador: National Labor Committee report alleges abuses at Chi Fung factory
NFL jerseys have been sewn under illegal sweatshop conditions at the Chi Fung factory in San Salvador for at least the last four years…In 2008 and 2009, it is unclear if Reebok placed the orders for its exclusive line of NFL jerseys with Chi Fung directly…according to Chi Fung’s website, they are an “approved Reebok producer.”...[F]or the NFL workers at Chi Fung, the mandatory workweek is…61 to 65 hours. Not only is all overtime obligatory, it is unpaid!...[W]orkers are routinely cheated of…18 percent of the wages legally due them…[W]orse…[t]he legal minimum wage in El Salvador’s garment factories does not even come close to meeting basic subsistence-level needs…[Includes responses from Chi Fung, Reebok (part of adidas), Soffe (part of Delta Apparel), National Football League (NFL)]