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2019년 4월 10일

SBS News

Ethical Fashion Report rates Australian fashion brands from A+ to F

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"Ethical Fashion Report rates Australian fashion brands from A+ to F", 11 April 2019

...The sixth Ethical Fashion Report...graded 130 apparel companies, including 480 brands, from A+ to F on their policies, transparency, worker rights, and environmental management.

The 2019 report revealed Australia's best and worst performers... with Etiko, Outland Denim, Kookai, Cotton On and Country Road among those handed an A- or above.

...Poor Australian performers included the Noni B Group, which owns brands such as Katies and Miller, swimwear company Tigerlily and discount clothing store Lowes....

Brands with an A+ rating

Etiko, Freeset T-Shirts, Icebreaker, Kowtow, Liminal Apparel, Mighty Good Undies, Outland Denim, adidas

Brands with an F rating

Ally Fashion, Baby City, Bec and Bridge, Bloch, Camilla and Marc, C&M, Farmers, P.E. Nation, Lover, Cooper St, Rebecca Vallance, Jasmine & Will, Lowes, Beare & Ley, Merric, Pavement, Lemonade, Non Sense, Petals, Pom Pom, Co Co Beach, Zom-B, Scram, Wax, Showpo, 3 Wise Men, T&T, The Baby Factory, Cooper by Trelise, little trelise, Trelise Cooper, Jump, Kachel, Ping Pong, Wish
