Ex-Ford execs charged in Argentine tortures
Three former Ford Motor Co. executives were charged Tuesday with crimes against humanity for allegedly targeting Argentine union workers for kidnapping and torture after the country's 1976 military coup… Pedro Muller...Guillermo Galarraga...and Hector Francisco Jesus Sibilla are accused of giving names, ID numbers, pictures and home addresses to security forces who hauled two dozen union workers off the floor of Ford's factory...to be tortured and interrogated and then sent to military prisons…Ford Argentina said in a statement that it was aware of the charges against the men but could not comment because the issue was still under judicial investigation…"Ford Argentina is not a party to the case but has always kept a collaborative and open attitude with authorities..." it said…The judge said the executives sought to eliminate union resistance at Ford's Argentina subsidiary and clearly had inside information about the coming "dirty war" in which so-called subversives would be thrown into clandestine detention centers.