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NGO 추가질의

2023년 6월 14일


Fairwork rejoinder to Deliveroo response

“Fairwork evaluates the work conditions of digital labour platforms in the platform economy internationally and ranks them based on five principles of Fairwork. The five principles of Fairwork were developed through an extensive literature review of published research on job quality, stakeholder meetings at the International Labour Organisation (involving platform operators, policymakers, trade unions, and academics), and in-country meetings with local stakeholders.

We give every platform a score out of ten based on their adherence to our five principles. Each of our five principles is divided into two thresholds. Accordingly, for each Principle, the scoring system allows a first point to be awarded corresponding to the first threshold, and an additional second point to be awarded corresponding to the second threshold. The second point under each Principle can only be awarded if the first point for that Principle has been awarded. The thresholds specify the evidence required for a platform to receive a given point. Where no verifiable evidence is available that meets a given threshold, the platform is not awarded that point. A platform can therefore receive a maximum Fairwork score of ten points.

This year’s Fairwork UK scoring has followed this standardised Fairwork methodology to evaluate 12 platforms. The UK research team spoke to workers, has done extensive desk research on the platforms and engaged in a dialogue with platform management (where possible). Based on our analysis, we were able to award 3/10 to Deliveroo; as we could evidence that they met three of the 10 Fairwork thresholds, specifically the first point for fair conditions, fair contracts and fair representation. Fairwork’s fair pay principle requires platforms to pay at least the minimum wage for all active hours and after work-related costs. This includes the time spent performing unpaid activities necessary for their work, such as waiting for delivery orders at restaurants, travelling between jobs or undertaking mandatory training. This year, we were not able to evidence that Deliveroo meets the criteria for fair pay.

Fairwork principles are basic standards of fair work, and with this year’s rating (3/10), Fairwork notes that there is significant room for improvement in terms of working conditions for Deliveroo workers.”
