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기업 응답

2024년 8월 18일


Fanuc response

...We conduct appropriate security export control to help maintain the peace and security of the international community, prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, etc., and avoid the over-accumulation of conventional weapons, in accordance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan (FEFTA) and other export control laws in every jurisdiction where we sell our products and provide services.

As stated in the “IMPORTANT INFORMATION” section...all entities of our group have suspended their shipments to Russia and Belarus, and service and maintenance for our installed products have not been provided within these countries since March 2022, in accordance with the FEFTA and other applicable laws...

다음 타임라인의 일부

러시아: 무기 생산에 필수적인 서양산 CNC 기계 수입 여전히 증가 중, 시민사회단체 보고서 결과; 기업 응답&미응답 포함

Ukraine: Govt. launches database of foreign equipment allegedly used by Russia in production of weapons incl. machine tools made by 140 companies