Frank Bold comments on UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Enterprise 2020 Summit
"Corporate Responsibility In the news: UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Enterprise 2020 Sumit", 23 Nov 2015
This week Frank Bold had the opportunity to participate in two significant conferences on responsible corporate behaviour. The prominence of the speakers and participants highlighted the growing recognition that companies should act proactively to embed sustainability into their operations and manage risk in their operations, especially in high risk regions and industries....CSR Europe, the European business network for Corporate Social Responsability, organised the E2020 Summit to encourage businesses to contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 goals by delivering high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion. To that end, they brought together more than 500 participants, including high level business representatives and policymakers from across Europe...Running in parallel with the E2020 Summit, the 4th annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights took place in Geneva. The UN Forum is the world’s largest gathering on Business and Human Rights, bringing together more than 4,000 experts to discuss the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.