G4S contracts in Israeli occupied territories face major investigation
[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited G4S to respond. G4S said that "due to the nature of the situation, it is unable to go into detail at this time" and referred us to its statement of April 2012 about its operations in West Bank] G4S...is facing an investigation by international authorities into its alleged activities in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Sources said the OECD UK...ha[s] indicated that it will be investigating the company’s work supplying Israeli security services. It is alleged that G4S provides Israel with surveillance equipment at its checkpoints in the occupied territories...The OECD...is expected to investigate whether the supply of such kit is in contravention of its guidelines for multinational enterprises...Given the illegality of the settlements under international law, the OECD is expected to question G4S on how it can justify...supplying or servicing kit that aids the occupation...The OECD’s national contact point in the UK declined to comment on the investigation...