Investors: Georgia’s Nenskra Dam violates Svan rights
보고된 날짜: 2020년 9월 18일
위치: 조지아
기업 페이지
JSC Nenskra Hydro - Unknown프로젝트
Nenskra HPP - Unknown영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 200
Community: ( 200 - 위치를 알 수 없음 - 알 수 없는 업종 , Gender not reported ) , Ecosystem: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 위치를 알 수 없음 - 알 수 없는 업종 , Gender not reported )토픽들
토착민 , 지질학적 안정성 , 시위 , 토지권 , 영향 평가 , 문화권 , 물 접근성 , 재산 및 재산의 소유권 , 이동 , 깨끗하고, 건강하고, 지속가능한 환경 , 생계에 미치는 영향 , 개인 건강결과
Response sought: 아니오
응답을 포함하는 스토리: (더 알아보기)
시행된 조치: The project undertook a further assessment of environmental and social impacts in areas to be affected by the Nenskra Hydropower Project development, and developed enhanced mitigation measures and management plans to protect the interest and rights of project affected peoples, including vulnerable groups such as women, youth, children, people below the poverty line, and people with disabilities among others. Between 2020 to 2022, the project strengthened its environmental and social management system, established the protocols for stakeholder engagement with local community members and a functioning grievance redress mechanism.
출처: News outlet
18 September 2020
The Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia’s Svaneti region has been found to be ‘non-compliant’ with a series of standards required by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB), two of the project’s major investors...
In 2018, the CEE Bankwatch Network together with Georgian non-governmental organisation Green Alternative filed reports that have been investigated by the compliance mechanisms of both institutions.
The reports submitted by these mechanisms have found that there has been ‘non-compliance’ with regard to indigenous issues, broader environmental and social impacts, land acquisition, involuntary resettlement and economic displacement, cultural heritage, information disclosure, and stakeholder engagement...
The villages of Chuberi and Nakra, populated by indigenous Svan communities, have been holding protests against the dam for years..
The declaration issued by the [community] council demanded that the builders of dams recognise Svans as indigenous people who exercise customary rights to the land — something that the initial environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for Nenskra did not...
A field investigation conducted by the CEE Bankwatch Network in the Nenskra and Nakra valleys found direct evidence that as a result of the dam’s construction, over 200 people will lose either their homes or the land and pastures that they use...
The construction of the Nenskra Hydropower Plant has been on hold since the construction company, Salini Impregilo, left the project in October 2018.
[refers to Nenskra Hydro, K-water, Gamma Consulting; incl. response from Gamma Consulting]