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2017년 9월 15일

UN Working Group on business & human rights

Governments and businesses must place human rights at heart of development agenda, UN experts stress

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Efforts to engage the private sector with the UN’s global development goals must be aligned with human rights, a group of UN experts has stressed ahead of a major forum on the issue... “The most powerful way for businesses to contribute to sustainable development is to embed respect for human rights into all their operations and value chains,” said Anita Ramasastry, one of the five members of the UN Working Group on business and human rights...“Governments, for their part, need to meet their own obligations to protect human rights and give businesses incentives to respect the rights of people affected by their activities... The UN’s 2030 Agenda references the Guiding Principles and underlines that SDG actions must adhere to international standards. What is needed now, is for Governments, businesses and civil society to work together to put these Principles into practice."