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2006년 5월 17일

Greenpeace Brasil

Greenpeace protests against multinationals who destroy the Amazon to produce cheap poultry

The organization [Greenpeace] accuses KFC [part of YUM!] of crimes against Amazonia by stimulating soy production to feed chickens sold at...their...restaurants. Meanwhile, in front of the Cargill port...another group of Greenpeace activists [protested]...During the protest, two Greenpeace activists were insulted by Cargill employees who called out with offensive sexual expressions..."KFC...secret recipe for the...fried chicken...[is]: deforestation, slave labor, massive use of agrotoxins, land speculation, illegal land tenure and extinction of rare species", states...Greenpeace's Amazonia Campaign...Greenpeace recently questioned Yum! Brands, Inc. regarding its contribution to the destruction of Amazonia, but the company merely responded that the soy consumed by the company also comes from other parts of Brazil. Greenpeace, however, has evidence that shows the clear connection between the poultry products sold by KFC and Amazonian soy sold by the US-based multinational, Cargill.