Human Rights Impact Assessments for Foreign Investment Projects: Learning from Community Experiences in the Philippines, Tibet, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Argentina, and Peru
Rights & Democracy launched a three year project in 2004 to develop and test a draft methodology for human rights impact assessments of foreign investment projects. This report presents its results. The project focused its research at the community level and selected five case studies to test the methodology and accompanying research guide... This human rights impact assessment project comprised three pillars: A Ten-Step Methodology... A Research Guide with Indicators... Five Case Studies... [case studies are on TVI Pacific, Nortel Networks, SOMIKA, Aguas Argentinas, Doe Run (part of Renco); also refers to Golden Buddha Security, Bazano, Chemaf, EGMF (Entreprise Gรฉnรฉrale Malta Forrest, part of George Forrest), Gecamines, Mukat; investors in Aguas Argentinas: Lyonnaise des Eaux (now Suez), Compagnie Gรฉnรฉrale des Eaux (now Veolia Water), Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona (Grupo Agbar), Anglian Water (now AWG plc), Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires, Sociedad Comercial del Plata, Meller]