기업 응답
Jiangsu Delong Nickel Industry Company Ltd. 다음에 대해 응답하지 않음
인도네시아: 델롱 니켈 (Delong) ‘체계적 임금지불 지연’, 자의적 벌금부과, 성희롱 등 노동권 침해 혐의로 고발; 기업 무응답

Commentary: Racialized Labour Politics in Chinese companies in Indonesia
Lessons to Learn from the North Morowali Smelter Riot
Indonesia: Deaths from labour accidents spur protests at nickel factory
PT. Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI) did not respond
Jiangsu Delong Nickel did not respond
Indonesia: Violent clashes at Chinese-owned nickel smelting facility raise alarm over labour conditions
Indonesia: Official calls on Chinese-run nickel plant to review labour conditions after deadly protest
Indonesia: Chinese-run nickel smelter employs Chinese workers to break strike by Indonesian workers, labour watchdog says
Indonesia: Protests over labour conditions at Chinese-funded nickel plant led to violence killing two
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