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2022년 1월 9일

Ron Bousso,
Rowena Edwards,

Kazakhstan: Workers disrupt trains to Tengiz oil field in support of protests

Key Kazakh oilfield hit by protests, 6 January 2022

Oil production at Kazakhstan's top field Tengiz was reduced on Thursday, its operator Chevron said, as some contractors disrupted train lines in support of protests taking place across the Central Asian country.

Demonstrations in the west of the country against a New Year's Day fuel price hike have quickly grown into deadly anti-government riots with Russia sending in paratroopers to put down the countrywide uprising...

"TCO production operations continue, however, there has been a temporary adjustment to output due to logistics," Chevron, the largest foreign oil producer in Kazakhstan with a 50% stake in the Tengizchevroil (TCO) joint venture, said in a statement.

Protestors at the field have disrupted train activity which is used to export oil, sources told Reuters...
