Locals stage latest fight against PNG mine dumping waste into sea
보고된 날짜: 2020년 5월 21일
위치: 파푸아뉴기니
기업 페이지
Ramu Nickel Cobalt Project (JV between MCC Ramu NiCo Ltd (85%), Mineral Resources Development Company (9%) and Nickel 28 Capital (6%)) - Parent Company프로젝트
Ramu Nickel-Cobalt - Unknown영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 숫자를 알 수 없음
Community: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 위치를 알 수 없음 - 알 수 없는 업종 , Gender not reported )토픽들
사망 , 영향 평가 , 생계에 미치는 영향결과
Response sought: 아니오
출처: News outlet
22 May 2020
A coalition of more than 5,000 villagers and a provincial government in Papua New Guinea has built a legal challenge against the world’s most productive battery nickel plant.
The company, Ramu NiCo, has been dumping millions of tons of mine waste into the ocean since 2012, and evidence for environmental and health impacts is accumulating.
In April 2019, a small coastal tailings spill prompted Governor Yama to examine Ramu NiCo’s nearly eight-year environmental record. He hired a consultant that engaged SVQ to undertake an environmental impact assessment, which Mojon’s 13-person team began in May 2019.
[...] [A]fter one round of spot testing coastal soils, Mojon recommended that Ramu NiCo implement a plan to recycle and neutralize tailings or find an alternative waste management method. By November, three more field studies and three more slurry spills later, he began calling Ramu NiCo’s DSTD a “catastrophe.”
The SVQ data have fueled a battle over research between the provincial government and locals on one side, and the central government and Ramu NiCo on the other. Ramu NiCo, MCC and Toronto-based Conic Metals (which acquired Highlands Pacific) have not responded to questions. Conic said in a statement that it was not a defendant in the case and that operations are continuing normally.
Although SVQ's study is incomplete, Mojon said he believes the evidence he's gathered so far is clear: the sea, coasts, some food crops, and one natural spring used for drinking water show "alarmingly high levels of contamination." The study is potentially one of the largest to date on the impacts of DSTD anywhere in the world.