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인권옹호자에 대한 공격

2020년 10월 6일

Marina Dubina - Ecohome

사건 날짜
2020년 10월 6일
날짜 정확도
모두 일치
Marina Dubina
Ecohome NGO
Environmental concerns group
불공정 재판
목표: 개인
사건 위치: 벨라루스


On 6 October 2020, Marina Dubina, the executive director of a non-governmental organization Ecohome, was detained by unknown persons in uniform, but without identification marks. The men used a can of tear gas and forced Marina to get into a car. On 8 October, she was charged with participation in an unauthorised mass event and sentenced to thirteen days of administrative arrest. She was accused of taking part in an unauthorized demonstration in Minsk on 23 September, despite testimony and evidence that she was in Brest at the time. Ecohome NGO has been fighting against the construction of a nuclear power plant in the country drawing attention to the safety and environmental risks of this project for a long time.