Mines ‘stalling’ silicosis claims [So. Africa]
Mining groups have been accused of saving themselves millions by dragging out silicosis litigation and payment of compensation to victims…Richard Meeran…attorney…for ill workers…says families of workers fear they will die during court delays, resulting in the loss of their rights to general damages…“We asked AngloGold Ashanti to agree to preserve claimants’ damages in the event of death but they refused,”…Under South African law, the “pain and suffering” element of the claim falls away if a claimant dies…AngloGold Ashanti said…that it was not frustrating progress in the matter but would employ the appropriate court procedures to defend the case on its merits…[Claims] were also lodged in Johannesburg courts…against more than 30 gold companies, including Gold Fields and Harmony Gold… AngloGold Ashanti spokesman…said the company recognised that the statutory compensation system for silicosis-related illnesses had to be reviewed to address inadequacies…