Myanmar: Four union leaders dismissed after fourth attempt by workers to form union at a factory
보고된 날짜: 2022년 12월 26일
위치: 미얀마
기업 페이지
New Yorker - Buyer , Creaciones Selene - Buyer , Topline Global - Supplier영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 300
Workers: ( 300 - 위치를 알 수 없음 , 의류 및 섬유 , Gender not reported )토픽들
임금 착취 , 영구 계약 박탈결과
응답 요청 여부: 예, BHRRC에 의해 요청됨
응답을 포함하는 스토리: (더 알아보기)
시행된 조치: Topline Global allegedly supplies to New Yorker and Creaciones Selene; both did not provide a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
출처: News outlet
보고된 날짜: 2022년 12월 26일
위치: 미얀마
기업 페이지
Topline Global - Supplier , Creaciones Selene - Buyer , New Yorker - Buyer영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 4
Workers: ( 4 - 위치를 알 수 없음 , 의류 및 섬유 , Gender not reported )토픽들
결사의 자유 , 해고결과
응답 요청 여부: 예, BHRRC에 의해 요청됨
응답을 포함하는 스토리: (더 알아보기)
시행된 조치: Topline allegedly supplies to New Yorker and Creaciones Selene; both did not provide a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
출처: News outlet
"In the workplace, 4 members of the chairman of the union formed for the fourth time were fired", 26 December 2022
The coup military council announced that trade unions were allowed to form freely, but workers at the Top Line factory said that this is the 4th time that the union group has been dismantled because every time a union is formed in the workplace, they are fired.
"The union leaders, including the president, [were] fired...They said they would pay damages. This is the 4th union in the factory. It's only been 6 months. The previous group was fired the other day..."...
According to workers, the factory, which was opened in Yangon's Hlaing Thayar Shwe Lin Van Industrial Zone, mainly manufactures and exports Selene and SMOG underwear...
The factory's reason for firing the 4 vice-presidents of the labor organization is because of low orders at the factory, but the fired workers will complain to the relevant offices and will try to get them back to work.
It is reported that 300 out of 600 workers are still working as day laborers at the workplace, where they sew clothes of European brands.
"We were forced to sign that we would never hire day laborers as [wage labour]," said the worker, who did not want to be named.
The workers say that they are not getting the legal rights in the workplace, such as benefits, and that they are working because of the scarcity of jobs, but they are facing difficulties.
[Translation via Google Translate]