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2024년 2월 10일

Hsu Latt Phyu, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment factory allegedly seizing workers phones & demanding excessive production targets

모든 태그 보기 혐의

"The Tianjin Fashion Milestone factory allegedly kept workers' phones without permission and forced them to demand excessive clothing standards.", 10 February 2024

At the Tianjin Fashion Milestone Garment Garment factory...the workers' phones were seized without permission under pressure.

There is no trade union in the workplace, but the workers say that despite the establishment of a workplace coordination committee, there is no resolution of labor disputes.

The factory...has more than 1,400 workers and produces Sinsay brand warm shirts, pants [and] it is reported that [it] is making dress fabrics.

"...The working hours are OT from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm. Even before OT, workers are asked to take a break continuously. When they return, the [transport] is crowded and it is not convenient to ride...The [targets] that they used to sew [were] 23 pieces of cloth per hour [now they] ask...for 50 pieces of cloth...I didn't drink water and didn't go to the toilet. "[They are] screaming and cursing in an unbearable manner," said the worker.

The worker also said that in addition to being pressured and forced to [meet] excessive [targets], they only eat for 10 minutes out of the 30-minute lunch break and are forced to sew to meet the standards...

"Regarding the health of the workers in the workplace, there is no medicine at the clinic...[they] don't have enough seats to go to the toilet. If you take too long to go to the toilet, you are judged in front of the toilet. Then, the workers' phones are taken by force without permission. If they are injured on the job, there is no accountability...," the worker said...

[Translation via Google Translate]
