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2023년 12월 3일

Yoon Sat, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment factory closes without paying workers' owed wages

모든 태그 보기 혐의

"Nearly 400 workers at the VHT Garment Factory in Bagu have been shut down without pay", 3 December 2023

The Vht Garment Factory in Bagu has closed the factory without the consent of the workers...

"Because the factory did not get raw materials, some departments were closed. Those closed departments were closed on unpaid leave. No salary. Not informed in advance. Many workers are also uncomfortable talking to factory leaders..." said a worker.

The...factory...closed...November 20th, [then] after exactly 6 days of closure, the factory reopened for one day and [workers] had to work for another 6 days...

It is also known that a complaint will be submitted to the Labor Office within the next few days in order to negotiate and resolve the injustice being done, and the WCC group formed by the employers in the factory is planning to file a complaint with the Labor Office because the employer did not make any adjustments...

There are about 1,000 workers in the garment factory, and more than 300 to 400 workers said they could not get raw materials, and because they were closed for 6 days, the workers were [dismissed] on unpaid leave..

[Translation via Google Translate]