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2024년 6월 20일

Min Ni Kyaw, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers at alleged H&M supplier pressured to work overtime

모든 태그 보기 혐의

"Hengda garment factory forcing overtime on Sundays", 20 June 2024

Workers from H&M brand manufacturing Hengda garment factory...said that they are being forced to work 3 hours of overtime everyday since the Thingyan [holiday] and [are also] forced to work overtime...on public holidays in June.

“We work three hours of overtime until 7:30 p.m. We are working on Sundays and on Eid in this month. We want to get at least a day off per week,” said a worker...

“They said we have to work all night overtime on Friday, June 21. We don’t want to work but we are being pressured,” said a worker.

Workers said that they are exhausting and having health issues due to working overtime daily without a day off. And they are facing security concerns as well.

“...They are afraid of being arrest[ed]...we want to work normal overtime hours with a day off,” they said...

The factory...[is] operating with around 1,500 workers...

[Translation via Myanmar Labour News]