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2024년 2월 9일

Hsu Latt Phyu, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers face verbal abuse if excessive production targets are not met

모든 태그 보기 혐의

"Handa Yangon garment factory requests too much fabric standard; Photographing the worker drinking water", 9 February 2024

Handa Yangon Garment...is operating with more than 2,500 workers.

Joma/CINEMA CLUB...CRAFT/KIABI/YONEX...shirts [are being sewn], and [the] paid rate is 4,800 kyats per hour, 1,200 kyats overtime, 1,000 kyats per day, and 10,000 kyats per shift...

...workers are being forced to [meet targets' that [are] much higher than what the workers can sew...

"...if we don't [meet] the requested [targets], the supers do things like yelling...Moreover...there are also physical violations," the worker said.

The workers also said that...if they take leave, their daily wages will be cut..

"It's pretty bad. Even if the worker gets up to drink water, the [supervisors] take pictures of them. They find no fault and fire them....The workers are miserable at work," said the worker.

[Translation via Google Translate]
