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2023년 12월 27일

Hsu Latt Phyu, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers report excessive production targets & illegal dismissals

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"It is said that excessive clothing [targets] are being demanded and illegal dismissals are being committed in the workplace", 27 December 2023

Workers at Best Choice Garment Co., Ltd., which sews Voile Bleue brand vests...are demanding more than the workers can sew, not giving them benefits, and illegally firing them, according to workers.

The...factory, which was opened in Hlaing Thayar Township's Anawrahta Industrial Zone, is operating with more than 500 workers...

In addition, the worker said that even [with] the casual leave that every worker is entitled to, his salary will be cut if he misses a day, 5,600 kyats of holiday pay and 15,000 kyats of regular wages will be cut.

"...Recently, I have to work overtime all the time. I have to work mornings, nights, and weekends..." the worker said.

[Translation via Google Translate]