Myanmar: Garment workers report illegal dismissals & denial of social security benefits
보고된 날짜: 2022년 9월 18일
위치: 미얀마
기업 페이지
Nexstar Garment Manufacturing - Supplier , Tendam - Buyer , Women'secret (part of Tendam) - Buyer영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 1500
Workers: ( 1500 - 위치를 알 수 없음 , 의류 및 섬유 , Gender not reported )토픽들
성차별 , 임금 착취 , 해고 , 의무적 초과근무 , 괴롭힘(성추행 제외) , 휴가 박탈결과
응답 요청 여부: 예, BHRRC에 의해 요청됨
응답을 포함하는 스토리: (더 알아보기)
시행된 조치: Nexstar Garment Manufacturing allegedly supplies to Tendam for its brand Women'secret; Tendam provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
출처: News outlet
보고된 날짜: 2022년 9월 18일
위치: 미얀마
기업 페이지
Nexstar Garment Manufacturing - Supplier , Women'secret (part of Tendam) - Buyer , Tendam - Buyer영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 49
Workers: ( 49 - 위치를 알 수 없음 , 의류 및 섬유 , Gender not reported )토픽들
응답 요청 여부: 예, BHRRC에 의해 요청됨
응답을 포함하는 스토리: (더 알아보기)
시행된 조치: Nexstar Garment Manufacturing allegedly supplies to Tendam for its brand Women'secret; Tendam provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
출처: News outlet
"Labor force reductions and layoffs are illegal, causing hardship for workers", 18 September 2022
He said that it is illegal to reduce the workforce and lay off workers on the grounds that there is no order in the workplace.
The...NexStar Garment factory opened on Thanchewan U Nyunt Road, Hlaing Thayar Township Industrial Zone 1, with more than 1,500 people, [and] manufactures [for] brands such as... Women'secret, and workers say that labor rights violations are occurring in the workplace.
"The factory is divided into three (3) factories in one yard. The employer is illegally firing the workers for the reason that there are no orders. If we miss a day, we will be fired. Even if we are sick, we do not dare to lose work," said a worker who works at the factory...
The workers were told that they would be fired if they missed a day of work, and that they would not receive any benefits if they were fired.
On September 2nd, 19 workers with less than one year of experience in the Ironing Department of Factory (1) were fired without notice due to lack of orders, and more than 30 workers with less than one year of experience in Factory (3) Fishion Department were also fired without prior notice, the workers of that factory said.
[Workers are] [n]ot getting vacations and days off; Even though social security contributions are paid every month, [workers are not getting] social security benefits [or] getting medical leave...
In addition, the workers are not allowed to rest on Sundays. Direct management of workers...[swear] workers...
[Translation via Google Translate]