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2024년 2월 18일

Hsu Latt Phyu, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly working overtime of up to 200 hours per month

모든 태그 보기 혐의

"Working overtime up to 200 hours per month; They said they were being forced to threaten to fire them if they refused to work overtime", 18 February 2024

At the Dixinda Garment factory...workers are being forced to work overtime, and if they refuse to work overtime, they are discriminated against and even fired.

It is reported that the factory, which operates with more than 1,400 workers, does not have a union...

The worker said that there is an excessive demand for [targets] in the workplace...

"There is no advance notice on...overtime. There is no day off for a whole month. If the worker...want[s] to take time off, the Super[visors] say that they don't have to come to work the next day..." said the worker.

The worker said that due to this excessive overtime, the workers' health has been affected by not getting a break, and if they are sick, they are not allowed to enjoy leave benefits.

Many day laborers are being forced to work in these workplaces, and if they are not needed, they are unlawfully dismissed from work, and if the labor office comes to inspect them, they are notified in advance...

As a request from the workers, the employer should allow the workers to enjoy the days [of leave] they are entitled to, not to call overtime...without the consent of the workers, and not to make overtime [workers] stay overnight or in the morning... According to the workers, they would like to demand things from [the] [s]uper[visor], [including] not to swear rudely at the workers. The workers said that they would like to ask the officials to recalculate and recalculate with debit, to give them legal benefits, and to accept the leave if they are granted leave.

[Translation via Google Translate]
