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2022년 1월 28일

Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Over 290 workers, incl. union leaders, dismissed after factory announces its closure due to lack of orders & shortage of raw materials

모든 태그 보기 혐의

“More than 290 garment workers were fired for insufficient orders”, 28 January 2022

Charming Garment has fired more than 290 workers, including union leaders, over a lack of orders and a shortage of raw materials…

The factory has announced that it will be shutting down until the end of this month due to business losses between 2020 and 2021.

"The notice was posted at the factory without prior notice in accordance with the labor law…said a factory worker…

"There are a lot of rights violations. The layoffs were not announced one month in advance…” said factory workers.

The factory-made garments are branded as an ETI member, and there have been complaints about layoffs.

Workers' compensation will be paid on February 3 and 4, the factory said in a statement.

[Translation via Google Translate]