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2022년 3월 23일

Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Over 60 workers reportedly dismissed 'illegally' incl. woman union leader

모든 태그 보기 혐의

“Workers at SIOEN Myanmar garment factory have been repeatedly fired illegally, and workers have been arrested”, 23 March 2022

…Workers at the factory have been repeatedly fired illegally…including a female labor leader…

In February, more than 60 workers were fired illegally…At the SIOEN Myanmar factory, workers who had been laid off for two months were called in to recruit new workers, who were repeatedly violated by their employers during the strike, according to the victims.

Workers say there is a union at the SIOEN factory, but the union movement has been suspended due to the political situation.

"A female labor leader was arrested in the factory, and a man and a woman were recently arrested inside the factory," said a worker who did not want to be named…

Employers want the law to prevent the dismissal of illegal workers and the recruitment of day laborers in accordance with the law.

SIOEN Myanmar Garment Factory is a factory that produces and sells its own brand clothes under the SIOEN brand.

[Translation via Google Translate]