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2024년 5월 27일


Nigeria: Crackdown on illegal lithium mining leads to 32 arrests, including 2 Chinese nationals

"Nigeria cracks down on illegal lithium mining with dozens of arrests" 27 May 2024

Nigeria's government is cracking down on illegal mining, making dozens of arrests since April for unlicensed miners allegedly stealing lithium, a critical mineral used in batteries for electric vehicles, smartphones, and power systems...

In mid-May, a joint team of soldiers and police raided a market in Kishi, Oyo State, arresting 32 individuals, including two Chinese nationals. The market, once known for farm produce, had become a hub for illicit lithium trade. Community leader Jimoh Bioku reported clandestine searches for lithium by Chinese nationals, who then engaged locals to mine for them, turning the market into a transit point.

President Bola Tinubu has blamed illegal mining for worsening conflicts in the north and called for international help to stop it. The Chinese embassy in Abuja has not commented on the arrests, but previously urged Chinese nationals to abide by Nigerian laws...

To combat this [illegal mining], Nigeria has established a 2,200-strong "corps of mining marshals." The corps has made several arrests and seizures, including two trucks loaded with lithium near Abuja in April and four Chinese nationals in Nasarawa State.

The government is also encouraging artisanal miners in communities like Jos to form cooperatives and operate legally.