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기업 응답

2024년 9월 9일

Nissin's non-response re due diligence, prevention and remediation to workers

We invited Nissin Brake India to respond to the below questions regarding Nissin Brake India’s supply chain, due diligence, health and safety standards and compensation:

  1. To confirm that Lifelong Inda is within Nissin Brake India’s supply chain, including specifying the time frame of your procurement from this facility
  2. Outline the investigation and due diligence process Nissin Brake India has conducted in relation to this incident
  3. To confirm the measures taken to ensure adherence to health and safety standards both before and after the incident and outline the corrective actions that have been identified and addressed.
  4. To confirm that appropriate remedies and compensation are being provided to the affected workers by Nissin Brake India? Specifically:
  • That compensation is calculated to ensure full reparation, adequate to cover full and long-term needs of family, non-discriminatory and proportional
  • That the rest of the promised compensation be disbursed
  • That the rest of the families of deceased workers receive the same compensation as the two families who have already received partial payments
  • That workers have access to ESI (Employee State Insurance)

Nissin did not respond.

NISSIN Brakes India Pvt Ltd. 다음에 대해 응답하지 않음

India: Factory blast results in 19 dead & 60 injured allegedly, due to safety negligence, finds NGO; Lifelong & buyers respond

이야기 2024년 9월 9일

