OPT: Reddit allegedly censors pro-Palestine news and threads by users violating its own online democracy slogan
보고된 날짜: 2022년 3월 7일
위치: 위치를 알 수 없음
기업 페이지
영향받은 사람의 수: 숫자를 알 수 없음
검열 , 표현의 자유 , 보안 문제 및 분쟁지역 , 정치 운동가 , 인종, 민족, 카스트 또는 출신 차별 , 기타 차별결과
응답 요청 여부: 예, Journalist에 의해 요청됨
시행된 조치: The journalist's attempt to contact Reddit moderators failed to elicit a response.
출처: News outlet
"Reddit's silencing of pro-Palestine speech betrays its own ethos" 7 March 2022
...In the Israeli context, far-right users have posted incitement to violence with impunity and face no consequences for it, while pro-Palestinian users face suspension and permanent bans. Studies have highlighted the censorship of pro-Palestinian voices on the two major social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook.
Users face suspension for content which supposedly violates the companies’ “community standards.” These community standards seem to apply mainly to criticism of Israel or amplification of the Palestinian perspective...
Reddit’s slogan is that it is the “front page of the internet.” It has 48 million active monthly users, 130,000 subreddits, and is ranked 20th globally in terms of internet traffic...
Reddit empowered people as a major venue for online democracy...
It has also generated heated controversy for hosting subs accused of promoting hate speech, misogyny, and homophobia. Reddit admins, responsible for enforcing the rules for the entire site, began banning subs.
Earlier this month, Amnesty International released a report declaring that Israel was an apartheid state. While many celebrated this recognition, on Reddit, the response has been dispiriting, as some subs have censored attempts to highlight the report. The r/worldnews sub has blocked multiple attempts by Redditors to post links to the report. My attempt to ask the mods to explain their decision failed to elicit a response.
One user’s post linking to Amnesty’s report was allegedly censored because it was “opinion,” rather than “news".