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기업 응답

2024년 9월 11일

Overseas Shipholding nonresponse to fuel supply for violent conflict following ICJ ruling

According to reports published by Oil Change International and SOMO, it is alleged that Overseas Shipholding Group is the “owner of the Overseas Santorini and Overseas Sun Coast...delivering a consistent and regular supply of JP-8 fuel from the U.S.” Further, that your company is allegedly engaged in the transport of oil through “a direct contractual relationship with the Israeli government” This supply is said to make a “substantial contribution to war crimes being committed by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip”. Specifically, it is claimed that the “JP-8 supplied by Valero is shipped from Corpus Christi port in Texas (U.S.) to Ashkelon (Israel) by vessels belonging to Overseas Shipholding Group”. This involvement comes under scrutiny following recent International Court of Justice rulings that condemn Israel's actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

We requested Overseas Shipholding Group to respond to the above allegations as well as the following questions regarding its purported involvement in the supply of oil to Israel.

  1. Has your company been retained by Israel or any associated entities to transport military jet fuel (JP8) since the conflict began?
  2. In light of the International Court of Justice's recent opinions on the situation in Palestinian territories, how does your company ensure compliance with international obligations and Business and Human Rights principles?

Overseas Shipholding did not respond.

Overseas Shipholding Group 다음에 대해 응답하지 않음

Israel/OPT: Reports alledge corporate and govt. complicity in fuel supply for ongoing conflict

이야기 2024년 9월 10일

Bombing of Gaza
