[PDF] Assessing the contribution of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to responsible business conduct
This report assesses the contribution of the OECD Guidelines to responsible business conduct, sustainable development, and the resolution and reduction of conflicts between companies and communities regarding social issues, environmental concerns, and human rights. In light of the 2010 revision, OECD Watch will make continuous contributions to the review of the Guidelines...This report is intended to make a constructive contribution to the review through a comprehensive, evidence-based, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the past 10 years of implementation of the Guidelines. It focuses on the experiences with the current (2000) version of the Guidelines which for the first time set up a complaints procedure that NGOs could use. It provides a selected case-by-case analysis of both the shortcomings and successes of the Guidelines. [refers to Accor, Adidas, Adidas Netherlands, Afrimex, Airbus (part of EADS), Aker Kvaerner, Alcoa, Alex Stewart, Anglo American, Anvil Mining, ANZ Bank, Ascendant Copper, Atlas Copco, Avient, Bayer, Belgolaise, BHP Billiton, Binani, Botnia, BP, Brylane (part of Pinault Printemps-Redoute), Cabot Corporation, Cermaq, Chongwon Fashion, Cogecom, ConocoPhilips, Continental, CPH, Daewoo, Das Air, Delta Hess (joint venture Amerada Hess & Delta Oil), Dexia, DLH, Electricité de France, ENI, ExxonMobil, Finnvera, First Mining, First Quantum, Fugro, George Forrest, Global Solutions, Goldcorp, Grupo Atlas Cumbres, G-Star, H.C.Starck, Il_Kyong, ING, Intex Resources, KBC, KfW, KOGAS, Kubbinga, Marathon Oil, Nami Gems, Transco (part of National Grid), Nike, NKG, Nutreco, OM Group, Oryx, Ratiopharm, Ridgepoint, Rio Tinto, Rolls Royce, Sandvik, Shell, SHV Holdings, Skanska, Statoil, Total, Toyota, Tractebel (part of Suez), Tremalt, Trinitech, Triumph International, Unocal (part of Chevron), Vattenfall, Vedanta, Volkswagen, Vortorantim, West LB, Xstrata]