[PDF] Steps toward Corporate Accountability for Human Rights: ESCR-Net Report to OHCHR [Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights] on the Human Rights Responsibilities of Business
Many contributions from ESCR-Net participants focused on the need to implement greater corporate accountability for human rights, ideally through a common global framework. Most contributions emphasized using the UN Norms as the best tool for this purpose, namely as a basis for assessing and creating national legislation, for education and dialogue, for strengthening reporting and monitoring, and ultimately for creating a legally-binding international standard. [Refers to Union Carbide (part of Dow Chemical), Gap, Nestlé, Shell, Repsol YPF, Ecopetrol, Occidental, Tropicana (part of PepsiCo), YUM! Brands, Taco Bell (part of YUM!), Bechtel. Describes constitutional human rights provisions binding companies in Cape Verde & other countries.]