[PDF] Total Impact: The Human Rights, Environmental, and Financial Impacts of Total and Chevron's Yadana Gas Project in Military-Ruled Burma (Myanmar)
...[New] evidence collected through 2009 attests to the on-going violent abuses committed by the Burma Army providing security for the companies [Chevron and Total] and the [Yadana] project... [This] report further documents the Burma Army's role in the construction phase of the Yadana Project as well as its continuing connection to the companies and the pipeline... [The] Yadana Project has [also] been a significant factor in keeping the Burmese military regime financially solvent. This report documents for the first time the aggregate revenue generated by the Yadana Project for the ruling SPDC... [The] revenue is not accounted for in Burma's national budget and according to reliable sources it is stored in two offshore banks in Singapore [Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC), DBS Group]. [also refers to PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP, part of PTT), Myanmar Oil & Gas Enterprise (MOGE), Unocal (now part of Chevron), Daewoo Iternational, Korea Gas Corp .(KOGAS), Gas Authority of India Ltd (GAIL), ONGC VIdesh, Chinese National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), PetroChina]