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2014년 2월 1일

Human Rights Watch

[PDF] Whose Development?: Human Rights Abuses in Sierra Leone’s Mining Boom

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[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited African Minerals to respond. African Minerals response provided]This report focuses on the human rights impact of the mining activity of African Minerals...in Sierra Leone. It examines...how the Sierra Leonean government...permitted company actions that violated the rights of...residents. The report also details the government’s failure to provide adequate oversight of...consultations with local communities, relocation process, response to complaints, and operations. The government failed to adequately...inform residents of plans that directly affected their livelihoods, and did not investigate alleged abuses by the police...[L]abor rights of workers employed by African Minerals were violated by the company’s alleged failure to abide by Sierra Leone’s labor law...[refers to Addax Bioenergy (part of Addax & Oryx Group), BCM, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation, Dawnus, Hawk Group, Koidu Holdings (part of Beny Steinmetz Group), Octea Diamond Group, Socfin Agricultural Company, TS and Company]
