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2020년 1월 12일

Alan Robles, South China Morning Post

Philippines: Rise of Chinese-only prostitution linked to offshore gambling; brothel managers charged with human trafficking

"Rise of Chinese-only prostitution catches Philippines by surprise", 12 January 2020


Nearly 300 Chinese sex workers and their clients were rounded up in raids by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police on 12 brothels in six cities.... Agents believe all the raided premises were being run by mainland Chinese, for Chinese clients.

An NBI source who took part in one of the raids described the brothels – whose customers, prostitutes, managers and owners are all thought to come from mainland China....

He said the managers were jailed and would be charged with human trafficking, "a non-bailable offence", and that cases would be filed against the owners, who were not caught "because they are outside the country".


He described the brothel his team raided as a "huge" establishment that had a permit to operate as a karaoke bar.


The sudden proliferation of Chinese prostitution is tied to the explosive growth of Philippine offshore gaming operators, or Pogos, online gambling companies based in the Philippines that cater to players in China, where gambling is illegal.